Your round feline friend may seem cute, but even a few extra ounces can begin to impact their health. Here, our vets in Madison discuss overweight cats, as well as how you can manage their weight and offer an overweight cat chart for comparison.

Is my cat overweight?

It only takes a small amount of extra weight to have a lasting effect on your cat's body, leading to stress on the joints and internal organs. But how will you know whether your cat is eating properly and maintaining a healthy weight? Read on to learn more about how being overweight can affect your feline friend and what signs to watch for.

Health Issues Experienced by Overweight Cats

Some of the potential health conditions that can affect an overweight cat are:

Heart Issues / Cardiovascular Disease

When a cat becomes overweight it can put a strain on their heart, specifically the left ventricle, leading to the potential development of cardiovascular disease.

The severe stress on the heart can cause several conditions, including:

  • Cardiac Hypertrophy
  • Vascular Hypertrophy
  • Hypertension
  • Myocardial Hypoxia.

Overweight cats also run the risk of impaired pulmonary function due to a decrease in lung volume.

Arthritis (Osteoarthritis)

Osteoarthritis is another condition that can affect overweight cats and lead to a decreased quality of life, as your cat would be living with discomfort or even pain daily. This condition occurs due to the fatty deposits that can occur around the joints and pressure on bones and joints, both caused by excess weight.

Kidney Disease

Overweight cats commonly experience conditions affecting their kidneys. These conditions can include:

  • Enlarged Glomerulus
  • Glomerulosclerosis (scarring of the filtering units in the kidneys)
  • Hypertrophy (enlarged kidneys)

Insulin Resistance / Diabetes

When a cat is overweight, it can lead to insulin resistance, which can cause impaired glucose metabolism. Diabetes mellitus has also been known to develop more commonly in obese cats.

Carrying Extra Weight Can Lead to a Shorter Lifespan and Lower Quality of Life

When a cat carries extra weight, it can cause extra stress on some parts of their body, including organs, leading to decreased function of vital processes and serious conditions. In addition, the extra weight generally makes it more difficult for your cat to move around. Overall, obesity in cats is detrimental to their health in all areas, leading to discomfort in life and early death.

How to Tell if Your Cat is Overweight

You may be wondering how to tell if your cat is overweight. Here are some of the common signs:

You can't tell the difference between their hips and waist.

  • Look down at your cat from directly above while he or she is standing. Look for a small indent above your cat's hips, where their waist should be (this can be tricky with long-haired cats). Your cat is probably overweight if you can't see their waist or sides bulging.

Your cat looks rounder than usual.

  • When your cat is at a healthy weight, you should be able to feel its ribs slightly by gently running your hand along their chest. If you are unable to feel their ribs, they may be overweight.

They are having difficulties climbing and jumping.

  • Cats are born with the ability to run and jump quickly. If your cat takes several tries to jump up onto their favorite piece of furniture or gives up entirely, their weight could be the issue.

Compare Your Cat to Our Overweight Cat Chart

Look over the illustration below to better understand your cat's weight category and whether they may be carrying an extra pound or two.

Overweight cat chart, Thomasville Vet

How to Help Your Overweight Cat

Luckily, with a little time and effort, you can help reduce your cat's weight and help them keep the extra weight off. Here are the simple ways you can do this:

Feed Them a Healthy Diet & Appropriate Portions

When a cat is overweight, the first step is to reduce their daily food intake. Many cats are fed more than they need, so it's important to speak with your vet during your cat's wellness exam to learn more about its specific nutritional needs.

Putting your cat on a high-fiber diet may also be beneficial. This is because it can create feelings of fullness, allowing for smaller amounts of food while providing your cat the same satisfaction.

Canned wet food is also a popular choice. Its high water content allows the cat to eat until they are full, and the water content contributes to that fullness as opposed to food only. This can also be beneficial as many cats don't drink enough water throughout the day, and this can help them stay hydrated.

Play With Them Lots to Burn Energy

By helping your cat exercise plenty each day, you can help keep them lean and healthy. Providing them with cat trees, other structures to climb on, and toys to chase can help keep them moving. Many interactive toys on the market allow you to help them move all around.

What if your cat is gaining weight for no reason?

If your cat suddenly begins to gain weight without cause, it's time to bring them in for a veterinary examination and diagnostics. Unexplained weight gain can be a symptom of an underlying health issue.

Note: The advice provided in this post is intended for informational purposes and does not constitute medical advice regarding pets. For an accurate diagnosis of your pet's condition, please make an appointment with your vet.

Are you concerned about your cat's recent weight gain? Contact our Madison vets to schedule an examination.